Whittling – From Start to Business

It’s a book, that could unintentionally lead to a lifestyle

Whittling, unlike other wood working ventures I’ve tried,


  • Minimal Investment
  • Low Maintenance
  • Little space required

Best of all, it’s easy to learn. You can have your first piece of art completed in an hour.

Plus, you can pretty much do it anywhere you go. People will think you’re performing some kind of magic trick, but it’s really just a few simple techniques.

Whittling Start to Business

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Whittling From Start To Finish

I’m Fred, the carver at Whittle Bit of Everything.

I had an opportunity to learn whittling when I was out of work. It became an obsession and things piled up fast.

Whittle Bit of Everything was created and, for the first time in my life, I was making money from a pocketknife and a piece of wood.

I still can’t believe it.

It wasn’t easy. I knew nothing about art. And, I certainly knew nothing about the business end of art. Plus, I’d just started to learn whittling.

Those were some crazy times.

Today, I get to teach whittling, wood carving and chainsaw carving. This is even crazier then starting a business. But it’s a lot more fun too!

Anyway, I’ve gathered what I know and put it into Whittling – From Start to Business, so you can quickly and legally start your own journey.

It’s a lot of information. But it’s broken down into small chunks. You’ll see.

Here’s what’s inside:

The Book…

  • Safety – Because keeping all your fingers is a good thing!

  • Protection – Level 5 Stuff

  • Drawing – Because not all of us can draw

  • Wood Species – and why

  • Whittling Knives – The hottest topic in whittling

  • Stropping – For the sharpest blades you’ve ever seen in your life

  • Whittling Techniques – Plus, what all the fancy words mean

  • Your First Whittle – Using the drawing & techniques you just learned

  • Business – For those wanting a return on their investment – And also because whittles tend to pile up.

The Membership…

The additions to the book, such as the;

  • Safety Checklist

  • Whittlers Journal

  • Drawing With Triangles Guide

  • Business Plan Template

  • Business Compliance Checklist

Plus, I’m still adding to this. I realized that putting links inside a book doesn’t always work. Since things change, I’ve kept all the whittling resources in the membership vs putting them into the book. This keeps things updated for you.

The Lifestyle…

Well, that’s up to you. You might just want a simple hobby that can be done whenever you feel the urge. Or, you could be looking for something that isn’t going to cost a fortune, that you can turn into a business.

I have no idea. I do know those little whittles pile up. They do make excellent gifts! But I was out of work, having fun learning and needed an income.

What would you have done?

Plus, whittling is healthy for you. I’m no doctor, but you’re gonna see for yourself how whittling soothes the savage beast. The whittling community is filled with some very happy people.

The whittling takes away the daily mumbo-jumbo and replaces it with little works of art – usually in a very short time.

It’s not magic. It just seems that way. So, if you’re ready to get Whittling – From Start to Business, here’s the good news…

You can grab the book 24/7 for just $10

Whittling From Start To Finish

But first, I have to say this for the simple fact that I’m speaking from experience… Probably for legal reasons too…

Whittling requires the use of extremely sharp blades. These things will cut into the bone. It hurts! Protect yourself! That Level 5 stuff is awesome!

Something else I should mention here is, whittle in a well lit location. Whittling is sharp lines and shadows. This is what shows off your details and brings everything to life. Knowing the techniques required is only good if you can see what you’re doing.

Also, don’t whittle with a dull knife. First, it’ll ruin the whittling experience. Then, there’s a better chance of that dull knife slipping and ruining your work or worse, ruining your fingers. A few seconds of stropping is all it should take to bring the blade to a razor sharp edge.

And, since I’m throwing out whittling tips, whittling is what you make of it.

Whittling as a hobby will definitely put a smile on your face. The part time side hustle is cool too. Since whittling requires little, you can utilize this and become a performer and make some money in the process.

Or, you can choose to go big time. Whittling as a business would never have been my first choice. Of course, I didn’t see it as an obsession at first either.

I started with whittling and eventually did my carving with handsaws and chisels. The projects just got bigger – that’s it. Today, I use mostly chainsaw and power tools to create art. While a chainsaw might seem extreme, it’s the same stop cuts, push cuts and pull cuts as whittling.

Learning to whittle was just the starting point.

We’ll cover all these topics and more inside Whittling – From Start to Business.

But, I don’t believe I’d be a good host if I didn’t mention that whittling isn’t for everyone. If you’re suffering with hand or wrist problems, whittling might amplify the problem.

Just in case you want to give the book a read, and find out Whittling – From Start to Business is not for you, just ask for your money back.

You’ll have plenty of time… 90 days. If during those first 90 days, you find whittling to be a major pain in the hands, or you just didn’t like it, I guarantee to refund your $10 no questions asked.

You can start your journey now. Your first whittling project can be done in an hour or so, if you’ve got a sharp knife and a block of wood. Everything’s in Whittling – From Start to Business showing you how.

So, just to be clear, for $10, you get the book, “Whittling – From Start to Business” and access to the members area. The lifestyle’s up to you to decide. And, I guarantee 100% satisfaction or your money back.

Start The Journey Here…

Get The Book!

Whittling From Start To Finish